The most stable version ever, coming soon!
When you spend so much time with a single project (even one you've been working on for more than ten years) you start to see things in a completely new light. I've found bugs that are likely years old, and some truly odd pieces of code.
The process of testing the brand-new code base is still ongoing, but so far I've fixed several old bugs (if you find a bug please tell me because I don't catch everything), tweaked every form, and updated every icon.
I've finally had time to organise thematrix component, so that's nice and tidy. I think there's still some refactoring to do, there's some odd code in there still and the layer functions could be put into another class (automation too, maybe).
Many of the original functions are in place and working. File I/O is mostly done (though there are still things to test), drawing functions are almost done, layer and frame manipulation are done, and other than another batch of testing, forms and frames are also done.
Export has been tested, though only superficially. I need to spend a few hours comparing output to the last stable LMS release.
The application is currently quite usable, though I wouldn't recommend using it as a replacement for the original version just yet.
Automation hasn't been tested at all.
I'm still planning for a January 2024 release. I'm sure there are some bugs left to fix, and I want to test everything again at least once.
The release next year will be a first pass; the second will include improving performance (on bigger matrices), refactoring, and further improvements to usability and the GUI.