Progress is going faster and smoother than I expected. Although the C++ version is still a month or so from being ready for general release, it's coming on very nicely.
All of the toolbars, all of the menus, all of the frames, and most of the forms have been ported and rewritten.
Loading is working. GIF import and export are working. Most of the functionality on the toolbars and menus is implemented and everything I've tested thus far has worked.
There are more than 100 "to do" items across the code. Some of these will be simple, some will take an hour or more. All of them must be done before I even think about releasing a new version.
At least 2-3000 lines of code still need to be ported across.
With almost no exceptions, everything needs extensive testing, and this will take some time.
Over the past few years I've been sent numerous project files from people experiencing issues (most of them have helped me find and fix bugs in the past), and I'll be using these again to ensure everything is working as it should be.
I'll probably be uploading the source code in a day or two.